Church Prayers
Church Prayers
Explore the rich tradition of Catholic prayer in this collection of common prayers passed down through the generations.
17 sessões
    1Our FatherCall upon God the Father with this first prayer Jesus taught his disciples to pray.Minute Prayer
    2Hail MaryMeditate on words from the Gospel of Luke Chapter 1 and ask for Mary's intercession with this traditional prayer.Minute Prayer
    3Glory BeGive glory and praise to God with this traditional prayer, also known as the Doxology.Minute Prayer
    4Fatima PrayerAsk Jesus for mercy in this prayer that Mary gave to three shepherd children when she appeared in Fatima, Portugal. This prayer is traditionally said after the "Glory Be" in the Rosary.Minute Prayer
    5Apostles' CreedOffer up this ancient prayer which provides "a faithful summary of the apostles' faith" (CCC 194).Minute Prayer
    6Nicene CreedOffer up this ancient prayer and "enter into communion with God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and also with the whole Church." St. Ambrose describes the Creed as "the treasure of our soul" (CCC 197).Minute Prayer
    7Act of Contrition: TraditionalIn this traditional Act of Contrition, express your sorrow for past sins committed and resolve, with God's help, not to sin again.Minute Prayer
    8Act of Contrition: AlternateIn this Act of Contrition from the Rite of Penance, express your sorrow for past sins and resolve, with God's help, not to sin again.Minute Prayer
    9St. Michael the ArchangelAsk St. Michael the Archangel for protection in this traditional prayer composed by Pope Leo XIII in 1884.Minute Prayer
    10Hail, Holy QueenAsk Mary, the Queen of Heaven, to pray for us in this traditional Marian hymn composed in the Middle Ages.Minute Prayer
    11MemorareSeek the Virgin Mary's help and intercession with this traditional prayer, commonly attributed to St. Bernard of Clairvaux.Minute Prayer
    12Act of FaithAffirm your belief in God and ask for an increase of faith with this traditional act of faith.Minute Prayer
    13Act of HopeAffirm your hope in God and ask for an increase of hope with this traditional act of hope.Minute Prayer
    14Act of LoveExpress your love for God and ask for an increase of charity with this traditional act of love.Minute Prayer
    15Anima ChristiCall on Jesus and ask him to draw near with this traditional prayer, a favorite of St. Ignatius of Loyola.Minute Prayer
    16Divine PraisesBless God's name with this litany of blessing, traditionally prayed after Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.Minute Prayer
    17Prayer Before the CrucifixLook upon Jesus in his suffering and remember his undying love for us with this prayer before the crucifix.Minute Prayer