Learn more about the most frequently asked questions of Catholicism from the apologists at Catholic Answers, a media company dedicated to sharing the Church's teachings and information about the Church's doctrine, tradition, and beliefs.
6 sessões
1Why Do We Pray to Saints?In this session, Catholic Answers apologist Jimmy Akin explains what Catholics do when they “pray” to saints, examines the etymology of “pray,” and explores the Biblical basis.Jimmy Akin8 min
2What is Confession?In this session, Catholic Answers apologist Trent Horn explores the Biblical and Judaic roots of the Sacrament of Reconciliation and how it stems from God’s overflowing love for us.Trent Horn5 min
3What is Purgatory?In this session, Catholic Answers apologist Karlo Broussard discusses the Catholic Church’s teaching on Purgatory: what is it, why is it important, and where is it found in Scripture? Karlo Broussard5 min
4Mary Immaculately Conceived?In this session, Catholic Answers apologist Karlo Broussard discusses how Mary is the woman whom God preserved through no merit of her own to be the New Eve of creation.Karlo Broussard6 min
5Faith and Works?In this session, Catholic Answers apologist Jimmy Akin dives into Scripture to answer the question, “Are we saved by faith or works?”Jimmy Akin7 min