Welcome to the Joy Praylist, our very first praylist on Hallow. Here, you'll find a variety of ways to pray, all centered around recognizing, seeking, and sharing in God's joy in your life. Feel free to walk through these prayers from the top of the list to the end, or you're more than welcome to select any session at any time.
10 sessões
    1Share in God's joyHello and welcome to the Joy Praylist. Today, we'll meditate on a passage where Jesus invites us to share in His joy.Lectio Divina: A conversation with God5-15 min
    2Abiding in God's loveIn this session, we'll pray using Lectio Divina. The passage focuses on learning to abide in God's love and joy.Lectio Divina: A conversation with God5-15 min
    3Finding joy through sufferingThis session will focus on finding and living in God's joy even through suffering and trials.Lectio Divina: A conversation with God5-15 min
    4Noticing interior movementsIn this session we'll focus on where we've found Joy in our day and will try to notice any "interior movements".Examen: Reflecting on your day5-15 min
    5Reflecting on joy in hardshipsAs we review our days during this Examen, we'll focus on the hardships in our lives & how God calls us towards joy through them.Examen: Reflecting on your day5-15 min
    6Come, share in God's joyIn this meditation we'll hold our attention on the words: "Come, share in God's joy"Christian Meditation: Peace in silence5-15 min
    7A joyful memoryIn this session of the Joy Praylist, we'll invite you to contemplate a memory in your life that is particularly joyful.Christian Meditation: Peace in silence5-15 min
    8Joy through sufferingIn this session, we invite you to bring to mind a trial in your life & meditate on how joy can be found through it.Christian Meditation: Peace in silence5-15 min
    9Bless the Lord, my soulThis session uses Taize meditation, a method of sung repetition. Don't worry, we're not professional singers either.Taizé: Singing with God5-15 min
    10Journaling on joyToday we pray through Spiritual Writing - journaling in prayer - & focus on joy. You'll need something to write with.Spiritual Writing: Journaling with God5-15 min