Feminine Genius
Feminine Genius
Join Catholic author and speaker Lisa Cotter as she explores the richness and gift of each woman’s Feminine Genius. This Hallow Course is for any person who has ever wondered what the Church teaches about femininity. Lisa draws upon Scripture, Church documents, the lives of the Saints and the writings of Pope St. John Paul II to offer us a new love, appreciation, and understanding of the gift of womanhood.
8 sessões
    1IntroductionLisa introduces this Hallow Course on the Feminine Genius by sharing her personal journey learning about what the Catholic Church teaches about feminity. She also offers an overview of the course.Lisa Cotter17 min
    2The UnchangingIn the second session of this Hallow Course, Lisa gives a historical overview of the perplexity surrounding femininity. Then we turn to Scripture to look at God’s original intention when He created women.Lisa Cotter19 min
    3What is the Feminine Genius?In this session, Lisa Cotter shares the wisdom of the Church about femininity, specifically looking at the writing of Pope St. John Paul II and his thoughts on the unchanging genius of woman.Lisa Cotter20 min
    4Feminine Genius GiftsIn this session, Lisa Cotter continues to explain the feminine genius by exploring the particular gifts that women live out in a uniquely feminine way.Lisa Cotter20 min
    5ComplementarityAt this halfway point through the course, Lisa examines how men fit into the idea of the feminine genius.Lisa Cotter20 min
    6ReceptivityIn this session, Lisa dives more deeply into one of the gifts of which women are a privileged sign: receptivity.Lisa Cotter21 min
    7MaternityIn this session, Lisa turns to the gift of maternity and shows how all women are called to live the gift of motherhood.Lisa Cotter18 min
    8MaryIn the final session of this course, we turn to our heavenly mother, Mary, who Pope St. John Paul II said is the “highest expression of the feminine genius.”Lisa Cotter20 min