Lent #Pray40 Part II: Stations of the Cross (2023)
Lent #Pray40 Part II: Stations of the Cross (2023)
Pray40 Challenge 2023: Join Jonathan Roumie and Jim Caviezel in these final two weeks of Lent as we enter into a new series on the Stations of the Cross. We'll meditate on the fourteen moments of Jesus' Passion, with an excerpt from the spiritual classic, The Imitation of Christ. We'll also be joined once again by Mark Wahlberg, Mother Olga, Fr. Mike, and Jeff Cavins, who will share a fasting challenge, a meditation on the Works of Mercy, and powerful reflections on the Sunday Gospel. The translation of The Imitation of Christ we'll be using comes from Pauline Books & Media.
14 sessões
    1Stations 1 & 2We'll begin a new series on the Stations of the Cross and reflect on the heart of the Imitation of Christ - His Passion and Death. We'll meditate on the first and second stations today. Feel free to select either Jonathan or Jim as your guide.Week 6: Monday with Jonathan or Jim6-14 min
    2Stations 3 & 4We'll continue our series on the Stations of the Cross and meditate on the third and fourth stations.Week 6: Tuesday with Jonathan or Jim4-11 min
    3Stations 5 & 6We continue the Way of the Cross today as we meditate on the fifth and sixth stations.Week 6: Wednesday with Jonathan or Jim5-12 min
    4Stations 7 & 8We'll meditate on the seventh and eighth stations as we continue walking alongside Jesus to the Cross.Week 6: Thursday with Jonathan or Jim4-11 min
    5Fasting ChallengeIn our final fasting challenge this Lent, Mark Wahlberg will read a powerful story from the Desert Fathers and then call us to give everything over to God.Week 6: Friday with Mark3 min
    6Work of Mercy: Comfort the AfflictedIn this final giving reflection, Mother Olga will speak about the Spiritual Work of Mercy of Comforting the Afflicted. She'll connect this important work to different Stations of the Cross.Week 6: Saturday with Mother Olga11-15 min
    7Sunday Reflection: The PassionOn this Palm Sunday, we will hear the full narrative of Jesus' Passion before reflecting on a homily from Fr. Mike or a reflection by Jeff Cavins. You can choose either Fr. Mike or Jeff from the guide menu.Week 7: Sunday with Fr. Mike or Jeff19-29 min
    8Stations 9 & 10We pick back up with our series on the Stations of the Cross as we meditate today on the ninth and tenth stations. (Note: St. St. Alphonsus Liguori's meditation on the 10th Station contains a violent image.)Week 7: Monday with Jonathan or Jim5-12 min
    9Stations 11 & 12We enter into the heart of the Stations of the Cross today as we meditate on the Crucifixion and Death of Christ with the eleventh and twelfth stations.Week 7: Tuesday with Jonathan or Jim5-12 min
    10Stations 13 & 14Before we enter into the Triduum, we'll conclude our Stations of the Cross with the thirteenth and fourteenth stations.Week 7: Wednesday with Jonathan or Jim5-13 min
    11Holy Thursday: EucharistOn this Holy Thursday, we'll reflect on the Holy Eucharist as we read an excerpt from the Imitation of Christ.Week 7: Thursday with Jonathan10-22 min
    12Good Friday: DeathOn this Good Friday, we'll meditate on a Holy Death as we read a chapter from the Imitation of Christ.Week 7: Friday with Jonathan10-23 min
    13Holy Saturday: SilenceOn this Holy Saturday, we will enter into silent prayer as we listen to an excerpt of an ancient homily.Week 7: Saturday with Jonathan9-17 min
    14Easter Sunday: God's LoveHappy Easter! Jonathan Roumie will help us reflect on God's saving love with these final excerpts from the Imitation of Christ (Bk 3, Ch 5; Bk 4, Ch 12 & 3). We also encourage you to listen to Fr. Mike's Homily and Jeff Cavins' Reflection on the app.Easter Sunday with Jonathan6-12 min