Campanhas de Oração

Criada porGeorge
Decade of the Rosary
Decade of the RosaryDecade of the RosaryFor Lennox, suffering from an aggressive cancer
3.48K participando
Dia 7 de 30
Decade of the RosaryDecade of the Rosary
For Lennox, suffering from an aggressive cancer
3.48K participando
Dia 7 de 30
Decade of the Rosary
Criada porMorgan
Come, Holy Spirit
Come, Holy SpiritCome, Holy SpiritFor teens to grow deeper relationships with Christ
576 participando
Dia 11 de 14
Come, Holy SpiritCome, Holy Spirit
For teens to grow deeper relationships with Christ
576 participando
Dia 11 de 14
Come, Holy Spirit
Criada porKamila
Come, Holy Spirit
Come, Holy SpiritCome, Holy SpiritUs and our families close to God and stop sinning
3 participando
Começa em 1 dias
Come, Holy SpiritCome, Holy Spirit
Us and our families close to God and stop sinning
3 participando
Começa em 1 dias
Come, Holy Spirit
Criada porManuel
Novena for Healing
Novena for HealingNovena for HealingMy granddad that he’s sick
2 participando
Começa em 1 dias
Novena for HealingNovena for Healing
My granddad that he’s sick
2 participando
Começa em 1 dias
Novena for Healing
Criada porChristian
Petition Prayer
Petition PrayerPetition PrayerChristian daily
15 participando
Começa em 1 dias
Petition PrayerPetition Prayer
Christian daily
15 participando
Começa em 1 dias
Petition Prayer
Criada porPatricia
Decade of the Rosary
Decade of the RosaryDecade of the RosaryPray for Sean & his wife who are sick & lost faith
8 participando
Começa em 1 dias
Decade of the RosaryDecade of the Rosary
Pray for Sean & his wife who are sick & lost faith
8 participando
Começa em 1 dias
Decade of the Rosary
Criada porRemon
Novena for Healing
Novena for HealingNovena for HealingFor all those with same-sex attractions.
2 participando
Começa em 1 dias
Novena for HealingNovena for Healing
For all those with same-sex attractions.
2 participando
Começa em 1 dias
Novena for Healing
Criada porSam
Divine Mercy Chaplet
Divine Mercy ChapletDivine Mercy ChapletFor my grandma, who is anti Catholic
13 participando
Começa em 1 dias
Divine Mercy ChapletDivine Mercy Chaplet
For my grandma, who is anti Catholic
13 participando
Começa em 1 dias
Divine Mercy Chaplet
Criada porJudy
Novena for Healing
Novena for HealingNovena for HealingJim, healing & comfort from cancer
2 participando
Começa em 1 dias
Novena for HealingNovena for Healing
Jim, healing & comfort from cancer
2 participando
Começa em 1 dias
Novena for Healing
Criada porBrown
Prayer for Priests
Prayer for PriestsPrayer for PriestsFor Father Danny
26 participando
Começa em 1 dias
Prayer for PriestsPrayer for Priests
For Father Danny
26 participando
Começa em 1 dias
Prayer for Priests
Criada porStarry
Petition Prayer
Petition PrayerPetition PrayerFor my brothers, Noah and Elijah, working in China
6 participando
Começa em 1 dias
Petition PrayerPetition Prayer
For my brothers, Noah and Elijah, working in China
6 participando
Começa em 1 dias
Petition Prayer
Criada porMaria I
Petition Prayer
Petition PrayerPetition PrayerRetrea
3 participando
Começa em 1 dias
Petition PrayerPetition Prayer
3 participando
Começa em 1 dias
Petition Prayer
Criada porJustin
Prayer for the Faithful Departed
Prayer for the Faithful DepartedPrayer for the Faithful Departed The repose of the soul of my girlfriend's grandma
3 participando
Começa em 1 dias
Prayer for the Faithful DepartedPrayer for the Faithful Departed
The repose of the soul of my girlfriend's grandma
3 participando
Começa em 1 dias
Prayer for the Faithful Departed
Criada porYvette
Novena for Healing
Novena for HealingNovena for HealingFor Anna who needs mental and physical relief.
1 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Novena for HealingNovena for Healing
For Anna who needs mental and physical relief.
1 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Novena for Healing
Criada porMatthew
Prayer for Priests
Prayer for PriestsPrayer for PriestsFather phill
8 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Prayer for PriestsPrayer for Priests
Father phill
8 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Prayer for Priests
Criada porColleen
Come, Holy Spirit
Come, Holy SpiritCome, Holy SpiritFor everyone in California effected by wilfires.
4 participando
Começa em 2 dias
Come, Holy SpiritCome, Holy Spirit
For everyone in California effected by wilfires.
4 participando
Começa em 2 dias
Come, Holy Spirit
Criada porFaith
Novena for Life
Novena for LifeNovena for Lifefor all attendees of the march for life 2025
70 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Novena for LifeNovena for Life
for all attendees of the march for life 2025
70 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Novena for Life
Criada porFr. Jason
Surrender Novena
Surrender NovenaSurrender NovenaStudents and Community at SFU
6 participando
Começa em 2 dias
Surrender NovenaSurrender Novena
Students and Community at SFU
6 participando
Começa em 2 dias
Surrender Novena
Criada porAracely
RosaryRosaryPrayer for the state of California USA
81 participando
Dia 1 de 4
Prayer for the state of California USA
81 participando
Dia 1 de 4
Criada porAnastasia
Decade of the Rosary
Decade of the RosaryDecade of the RosaryFor Audrey
63 participando
Dia 1 de 30
Decade of the RosaryDecade of the Rosary
For Audrey
63 participando
Dia 1 de 30
Decade of the Rosary
Criada porDiane
Novena for Healing
Novena for HealingNovena for HealingLindsays surgery
3 participando
Começa em 2 dias
Novena for HealingNovena for Healing
Lindsays surgery
3 participando
Começa em 2 dias
Novena for Healing
Criada porRenaldo
54 Day Novena
54 Day Novena54 Day NovenaFor Renaldo, for doors of blessing to open
3 participando
Jan 15
54 Day Novena54 Day Novena
For Renaldo, for doors of blessing to open
3 participando
Jan 15
54 Day Novena
Criada porThomas
RosaryRosarySufficient Work & Income
1 participando
Começa em 2 dias
Sufficient Work & Income
1 participando
Começa em 2 dias
Criada porJane
Undoer of Knots Novena
Undoer of Knots NovenaUndoer of Knots NovenaFor the on going bullying I am experiencing
37 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Undoer of Knots NovenaUndoer of Knots Novena
For the on going bullying I am experiencing
37 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Undoer of Knots Novena
Criada porJosh
Novena for Life
Novena for LifeNovena for LifeFor Fr. Peter
10 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Novena for LifeNovena for Life
For Fr. Peter
10 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Novena for Life
Criada porDijana
Novena for Healing
Novena for HealingNovena for HealingTotal healing of my dad & blessing medical team.
47 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Novena for HealingNovena for Healing
Total healing of my dad & blessing medical team.
47 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Novena for Healing
Criada porAbigael
Novena for Healing
Novena for HealingNovena for HealingFor Abigael who has a Tubercolosis of the Spine
11 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Novena for HealingNovena for Healing
For Abigael who has a Tubercolosis of the Spine
11 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Novena for Healing
Criada porMary
Surrender Novena
Surrender NovenaSurrender NovenaMary for the healing of fear panic and depression
24 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Surrender NovenaSurrender Novena
Mary for the healing of fear panic and depression
24 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Surrender Novena
Criada porFreedom
Come, Holy Spirit
Come, Holy SpiritCome, Holy SpiritThose needing strength and hope in difficult times
33 participando
Dia 1 de 14
Come, Holy SpiritCome, Holy Spirit
Those needing strength and hope in difficult times
33 participando
Dia 1 de 14
Come, Holy Spirit
Criada porCarissa
Decade of the Rosary
Decade of the RosaryDecade of the RosaryCornelia Roque, for her cancer treatment journey
13 participando
Dia 1 de 30
Decade of the RosaryDecade of the Rosary
Cornelia Roque, for her cancer treatment journey
13 participando
Dia 1 de 30
Decade of the Rosary
Criada porNicole
Surrender Novena
Surrender NovenaSurrender NovenaPeace in my heart
21 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Surrender NovenaSurrender Novena
Peace in my heart
21 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Surrender Novena
Criada porElizabeth
St. Jude Novena
St. Jude NovenaSt. Jude NovenaFor me, and my family
5 participando
Dia 1 de 9
St. Jude NovenaSt. Jude Novena
For me, and my family
5 participando
Dia 1 de 9
St. Jude Novena
Criada porShannon
Novena for Healing
Novena for HealingNovena for HealingMy Dad, Bud Beaty
8 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Novena for HealingNovena for Healing
My Dad, Bud Beaty
8 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Novena for Healing
Criada porCindy
St. Jude Novena
St. Jude NovenaSt. Jude NovenaJohn and Aubrey
8 participando
Dia 1 de 9
St. Jude NovenaSt. Jude Novena
John and Aubrey
8 participando
Dia 1 de 9
St. Jude Novena
Criada porshirley
St. Jude Novena
St. Jude NovenaSt. Jude NovenaRyan 23, for healing, with no recurrence ever.
4 participando
Dia 1 de 9
St. Jude NovenaSt. Jude Novena
Ryan 23, for healing, with no recurrence ever.
4 participando
Dia 1 de 9
St. Jude Novena
Criada porL
Decade of the Rosary
Decade of the RosaryDecade of the RosaryMental Health of my daughters and son in law .
4 participando
Dia 1 de 30
Decade of the RosaryDecade of the Rosary
Mental Health of my daughters and son in law .
4 participando
Dia 1 de 30
Decade of the Rosary
Criada porTara
Petition Prayer
Petition PrayerPetition PrayerFor a safe and successful delivery of our baby🙏❤️
12 participando
Jan 15
Petition PrayerPetition Prayer
For a safe and successful delivery of our baby🙏❤️
12 participando
Jan 15
Petition Prayer
Criada porLaurie
Novena for Healing
Novena for HealingNovena for HealingFor Andy who is suffering from ulcerative colitis
7 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Novena for HealingNovena for Healing
For Andy who is suffering from ulcerative colitis
7 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Novena for Healing
Criada porAlex
Undoer of Knots Novena
Undoer of Knots NovenaUndoer of Knots NovenaFor Alex (me)
1 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Undoer of Knots NovenaUndoer of Knots Novena
For Alex (me)
1 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Undoer of Knots Novena
Criada porIsioma Chukwuma
Decade of the Rosary
Decade of the RosaryDecade of the RosaryFor Diamond who dreams of making Africa better.
3 participando
Dia 1 de 30
Decade of the RosaryDecade of the Rosary
For Diamond who dreams of making Africa better.
3 participando
Dia 1 de 30
Decade of the Rosary
Criada porSource
Surrender Novena
Surrender NovenaSurrender NovenaFor Avery Engle. Im moving to Cambodia
2 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Surrender NovenaSurrender Novena
For Avery Engle. Im moving to Cambodia
2 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Surrender Novena
Criada porKathy
St. Jude Novena
St. Jude NovenaSt. Jude NovenaHolden…For complete healing after his BMT.
2 participando
Dia 1 de 9
St. Jude NovenaSt. Jude Novena
Holden…For complete healing after his BMT.
2 participando
Dia 1 de 9
St. Jude Novena
Criada porMallory
Novena for Healing
Novena for HealingNovena for HealingMark
1 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Novena for HealingNovena for Healing
1 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Novena for Healing
Criada porPattie
Novena for Healing
Novena for HealingNovena for HealingFor Sandy who has cancer
5 participando
Começa em 2 dias
Novena for HealingNovena for Healing
For Sandy who has cancer
5 participando
Começa em 2 dias
Novena for Healing
Criada porKathy
Novena for Healing
Novena for HealingNovena for HealingParker who is fighting a lung infection.
3 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Novena for HealingNovena for Healing
Parker who is fighting a lung infection.
3 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Novena for Healing
Criada porDiana
Petition Prayer
Petition PrayerPetition PrayerDiana, whose soul is tormented, flooded in pain.
15 participando
Jan 15
Petition PrayerPetition Prayer
Diana, whose soul is tormented, flooded in pain.
15 participando
Jan 15
Petition Prayer
Criada porLexi
Litany of Trust
Litany of TrustLitany of TrustGreater Holiness
26 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Litany of TrustLitany of Trust
Greater Holiness
26 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Litany of Trust
Criada porArchdiocese of
9 Days for Life Novena
9 Days for Life Novena9 Days for Life Novena9 Days for Life Novena
7 participando
Começa em 2 dias
9 Days for Life Novena9 Days for Life Novena
9 Days for Life Novena
7 participando
Começa em 2 dias
9 Days for Life Novena
Criada porLisa
Novena for Healing
Novena for HealingNovena for HealingFor Sean Patrick
3 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Novena for HealingNovena for Healing
For Sean Patrick
3 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Novena for Healing
Criada porElizabeth
Novena for Healing
Novena for HealingNovena for HealingJosh who needs surgery
2 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Novena for HealingNovena for Healing
Josh who needs surgery
2 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Novena for Healing
Criada porLuis
Novena for Healing
Novena for HealingNovena for HealingFor Luis
1 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Novena for HealingNovena for Healing
For Luis
1 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Novena for Healing
Criada porNancy
Novena for Healing
Novena for HealingNovena for HealingBaby Beckett born 1/13.
5 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Novena for HealingNovena for Healing
Baby Beckett born 1/13.
5 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Novena for Healing
Criada porAudrey
Novena for Healing
Novena for HealingNovena for HealingMy mom who has CHF
3 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Novena for HealingNovena for Healing
My mom who has CHF
3 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Novena for Healing
Criada porK3lly
Novena for Healing
Novena for HealingNovena for HealingFor Kerri, battling cancer
4 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Novena for HealingNovena for Healing
For Kerri, battling cancer
4 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Novena for Healing
Criada porE
Petition Prayer
Petition PrayerPetition PrayerFor my husband in a difficult season of his career
5 participando
Jan 15
Petition PrayerPetition Prayer
For my husband in a difficult season of his career
5 participando
Jan 15
Petition Prayer
Criada porSherry
RosaryRosaryChris Nirschl for a cancer free Pet Scan
2 participando
Dia 1 de 4
Chris Nirschl for a cancer free Pet Scan
2 participando
Dia 1 de 4
Criada porJaxon
Undoer of Knots Novena
Undoer of Knots NovenaUndoer of Knots NovenaFor Bryck, whose parents are getting a divorce.
4 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Undoer of Knots NovenaUndoer of Knots Novena
For Bryck, whose parents are getting a divorce.
4 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Undoer of Knots Novena
Criada porRuben
Novena for Healing
Novena for HealingNovena for HealingArchie Bottoms
2 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Novena for HealingNovena for Healing
Archie Bottoms
2 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Novena for Healing
Criada porStar
Novena for Healing
Novena for HealingNovena for HealingPrayer for all the sick children
4 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Novena for HealingNovena for Healing
Prayer for all the sick children
4 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Novena for Healing
Criada porC
Surrender Novena
Surrender NovenaSurrender NovenaIn thanksgiving for a petition heard
6 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Surrender NovenaSurrender Novena
In thanksgiving for a petition heard
6 participando
Dia 1 de 9
Surrender Novena
Criada porDeborah
Decade of the Rosary
Decade of the RosaryDecade of the RosaryMy husband CJ
22 participando
Dia 2 de 30
Decade of the RosaryDecade of the Rosary
My husband CJ
22 participando
Dia 2 de 30
Decade of the Rosary
Criada porS
Novena for Healing
Novena for HealingNovena for HealingFor health and healing
90 participando
Dia 2 de 9
Novena for HealingNovena for Healing
For health and healing
90 participando
Dia 2 de 9
Novena for Healing
Criada porDeborah
Novena for Healing
Novena for HealingNovena for HealingBarbara B.
22 participando
Dia 2 de 9
Novena for HealingNovena for Healing
Barbara B.
22 participando
Dia 2 de 9
Novena for Healing
Criada porDebbie
Come, Holy Spirit
Come, Holy SpiritCome, Holy SpiritDesire a closer walk with Jesus our Lord
1 participando
Começa em 3 dias
Come, Holy SpiritCome, Holy Spirit
Desire a closer walk with Jesus our Lord
1 participando
Começa em 3 dias
Come, Holy Spirit
Criada porHolly
RosaryRosaryFor Oscar and Holly
29 participando
Dia 2 de 4
For Oscar and Holly
29 participando
Dia 2 de 4
Criada porEmersen
Decade of the Rosary
Decade of the RosaryDecade of the RosaryFor anyone who has died
1 participando
Começa em 3 dias
Decade of the RosaryDecade of the Rosary
For anyone who has died
1 participando
Começa em 3 dias
Decade of the Rosary
Criada porP
54 Day Novena
54 Day Novena54 Day NovenaFor my brother and father
5 participando
Dia 2 de 54
54 Day Novena54 Day Novena
For my brother and father
5 participando
Dia 2 de 54
54 Day Novena
Criada porJavier
Novena for Healing
Novena for HealingNovena for HealingOur brother who has a collapsed lung
23 participando
Dia 2 de 9
Novena for HealingNovena for Healing
Our brother who has a collapsed lung
23 participando
Dia 2 de 9
Novena for Healing
Criada porJoAnn
54 Day Novena
54 Day Novena54 Day NovenaMy husband Terry, struggling & suffering from PAD
11 participando
Dia 2 de 54
54 Day Novena54 Day Novena
My husband Terry, struggling & suffering from PAD
11 participando
Dia 2 de 54
54 Day Novena
Criada porMaria
Novena for Healing
Novena for HealingNovena for HealingFor my daughter Elena to be feee from alcohol
8 participando
Dia 2 de 9
Novena for HealingNovena for Healing
For my daughter Elena to be feee from alcohol
8 participando
Dia 2 de 9
Novena for Healing
Criada porMelissa
Surrender Novena
Surrender NovenaSurrender NovenaFor global peace.
13 participando
Dia 2 de 9
Surrender NovenaSurrender Novena
For global peace.
13 participando
Dia 2 de 9
Surrender Novena
Criada porAnna
Litany of Trust
Litany of TrustLitany of TrustCatholic Newman Center @ Miami University in Ohio
7 participando
Dia 2 de 9
Litany of TrustLitany of Trust
Catholic Newman Center @ Miami University in Ohio
7 participando
Dia 2 de 9
Litany of Trust
Criada porChenoa
Novena for Life
Novena for LifeNovena for LifeMy Husband and I
3 participando
Dia 2 de 9
Novena for LifeNovena for Life
My Husband and I
3 participando
Dia 2 de 9
Novena for Life
Criada porGrace
Prayers for Peace
Prayers for PeacePrayers for PeaceFor the fires in California and the people there
4 participando
Dia 2 de 4
Prayers for PeacePrayers for Peace
For the fires in California and the people there
4 participando
Dia 2 de 4
Prayers for Peace
Criada porLourdes
Prayer for the Faithful Departed
Prayer for the Faithful DepartedPrayer for the Faithful DepartedFor the State of California 🙏
2 participando
Dia 2 de 7
Prayer for the Faithful DepartedPrayer for the Faithful Departed
For the State of California 🙏
2 participando
Dia 2 de 7
Prayer for the Faithful Departed